
Warning! Picture of dead fish

dtbushpilot - 4-17-2015 at 06:25 AM

Thresher shark was on my bucket list and since we have had a lot of them caught lately I decided to go out and specifically target them. Me and a friend teamed up on this one. My deck hand and my neighbors were happy to have some fresh fish and I am looking up "swordfish" recipes as the grill heats up...

Russ - 4-17-2015 at 06:31 AM

Nice one David. What did you rig up with? Tell us about the trip.

dtbushpilot - 4-17-2015 at 06:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Russ  
Nice one David. What did you rig up with? Tell us about the trip.

Thanks Russ. We were drift fishing live and dead bait about 5 miles off La Ribera. We were using Ballyhoo and Cabalito both weighted and flylined. We decided to stick to the plan and catch a thresher or nothing. We missed one but got this one to stick. Both of them were on dead Cabalito.

chippy - 4-17-2015 at 06:45 AM

Nice fish! Where you chumming?

aguachico - 4-17-2015 at 06:55 AM

Love T-shark! Good fight. easy release when you turn them over and rub their belly.

Great on the grill. kabobs, que rico!

ehall - 4-17-2015 at 07:03 AM

Nice fish. What kind of tackle does it take to land something like that?

dtbushpilot - 4-17-2015 at 07:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chippy  
Nice fish! Where you chumming?

We weren't chumming but we filleted the Cabalitto about half way up from the tail to make them more interesting. Both bites were on dead bait fished deep (200' or so).

Robertofox - 4-17-2015 at 07:40 AM

I snagged one once with a jig just under its side fin. Took me for a 20 minute hall in my 18ft Bayrunner. I had a small baitcaster reel and a light weight rod. I was aiming for bottom fish off the reef. I didn't know what I had till I saw color. It was fun watching the aerial jumping and it also did a body slam against the transom. Put a big bruise on it's side. When I got it to the boat, I released it back to the wild. The hook was in his arm pit sort of!! It looked to be around 80 lbs. That was a fun day off the beach in Carlsbad (Ponto Beach).

24baja - 4-17-2015 at 08:04 AM

Nice shark and so tastey.

baitcast - 4-17-2015 at 09:34 AM

A action shot of one of these guys, a fun fish for sure.

motoged - 4-17-2015 at 09:42 AM

Nice did you cook it?

I have eaten some kind of baby shark years ago in Puerto san Angel, Oaxaca....delicious as tacos.....tried to cook some at home once and didn't do a good job.

Udo - 4-17-2015 at 10:08 AM

Great fish, David!

woody with a view - 4-17-2015 at 10:26 AM

Nice fish!

55steve - 4-17-2015 at 10:47 AM

Very fun fish to catch!

basautter - 4-17-2015 at 11:21 AM

Does it taste good enough to do it again?

baron - 4-17-2015 at 11:51 AM

Nice shark....dead now. On your deathbed you can run that punishment thru your empty bucket.

Kgryfon - 4-17-2015 at 02:17 PM


BajaBlanca - 4-17-2015 at 02:33 PM

Nice fish! I hear it is good eating yummmmmmmmmmmmm

Cisco - 4-17-2015 at 03:11 PM

Shark, almost any kind can be excellent table fare.

One thing to consider with shark is the high urea content.

To keep the meat pristine and without any taste of uric acid, which is in the flesh after death, (this is why folks like or dislike shark) the fish should be headed and gutted, then hung by it's tail and bled out immediately.

bill erhardt - 4-17-2015 at 04:17 PM

baitcast......Great photo!

dtbushpilot - 4-18-2015 at 04:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by baitcast  

A action shot of one of these guys, a fun fish for sure.

What perfect timing, I'm never lucky enough to get a shot like that. Thanks for sharing baitcast.

baitcast - 4-18-2015 at 07:42 AM

Threshers are classy jumpers, their lift off is smooth unlike Mako's , the craziest jumpers out there and scariest but also good eating, check out a high flying Mako doing his thing.

Pompano - 4-18-2015 at 09:40 AM

Great photos and memories of sharks.

Wow, baitcast..what a great action shot of that shark strike! I have a vivid memory of one myself, but no photo..cuz it all happened so fast!

My guest had just flown in from ND to visit and go deep-sea fishing for his first time. We went out the next morning and were trolling some dorado feathers. His rod was in the holder when it suddenly snapped back to near-breaking and then snapped the same time a mako jumped back where his feather had been. The shark leaped straight up, shook it's head just once, throwing the hook...and disappeared. It was a huge and sudden sight ...all over in a second. My friend looked at me as he handed me his rod and said, "I really don't want to catch anything that big!" Your photo is a dead ringer for what we saw...thanks for the memory.

baitcast - 4-18-2015 at 02:25 PM

It was one of your first outings in my 16' Ryan,and three of us were all hot and bothered to go shark fishing off Long beach Cal.
Not many fished them in those days but I had my heart set on something big and bad and seen some pictures of some very large Threshers and Mako's taken around Catalina.

After a early morning bait hunt we were on our way to the island keep in mind I was still young an dumb and had no business going to the island with a worn-out engine and a old wooden boat :lol: but we were going fishing for sharks!

We had a dozen macks now all we needed was a hot to go sharks, a nice little breeze came up and we a ready for anything we thought,woudn't you know it a hour later we hook the biggest Thresher of that season on our first outing!

That sucker was nearly as long as my boat and we were in over our heads,by the time we got the lines in an got the motor started my Bud was nearly out of line already so the chase was on YIPPIE

What do we do now? we still had no idea how long that brute was, I was the captain so I made the other guy the hook man and I would be the tail man, having never seen the mouth on one of these guys I was just being careful:lol:

To shorten the story we finally get him a long side and its apparent he's to big for the boat and to big for us to handle what to do? we will let him go but how I tell my Bud you get the hook out an I will hold the tail:lol: I reach down and WHAM that long ass tail comes up a slams me in the head knocks me over backwards, now I'm laying there my head spinning and everyone is yelling something I don't understand What a ball!!

The guys cut him loose and we call it a day, we learned a lot that day and planned the next trip on the way home.

WOW !!

captkw - 4-18-2015 at 04:49 PM

That pic is the best !! myself have caught many threshers and never ever could/would have been up to taking a pic like that !! can I get a 40 by 50 mat finish poster from you ??........GREAT SHOT !! I and many others would pay good bucks for that...

baitcast - 4-18-2015 at 05:10 PM

It is not mine to give, a internet friend of mine took this pic and get this he caught it from a kayak!!!!!

"poor mans marlin"

captkw - 4-18-2015 at 05:32 PM

WOW !! they are tasty and can be most of the time a great tail walking,,underwater missle with the sickle tail that can/will hit ya hard....a tail hooked one is one HELL of a battle...funny part is they have very small mouths.. but folks at the dock/ramp are Soo Scared... Thanks for that first GREAT shot...and on a kak must have been a Hoot !!

baitcast - 3-3-2019 at 03:08 PM

Things are slow so great pic's and a fun thread on jumping Mako's and T-sharks

fishbuck - 3-3-2019 at 03:13 PM

Too close to my toes!
Man o man, now that is a fisherman!

I am definately going to start kayak fishing...
No Charks!
Yellowtail only!

Bubba - 3-5-2019 at 07:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by baitcast  

Things are slow so great pic's and a fun thread on jumping Mako's and T-sharks

Threshers and Threshers,,, Both great jumpers and awesome table fare!

bajadogs - 3-5-2019 at 07:33 PM

I prefer a thresher steak over a T-Bone any day.

Bubba - 3-5-2019 at 08:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajadogs  
I prefer a thresher steak over a T-Bone any day.

Absolutely! If done right on the grill it is hard to beat!

baitcast - 11-7-2021 at 06:22 AM

Now that people or fishing again, more fishin pic's