
Upholstery shop in Ensenada recommendation

thebajarunner - 7-3-2023 at 11:46 AM

We have some patio furniture pads that really need recovering
They are excellent quality, just been too long in the Arizona sunshine

Any suggestions on a good quality shop in Ensenada?
Rosarito Beach or TJ would work but we generally bypass that whole traffic mess, especially now with the big coastal washout in TJ

We bought the original iron works in TJ years ago, and it has been really great stuff, Lots of compliments
Sad to say, the place is not longer in business....

JZ - 7-3-2023 at 11:58 AM

This topic is of interest to me also. I let ours get a little too close to our firepit and have several burn marks now.

thebajarunner - 7-5-2023 at 12:51 PM

No answers!!

Come on Nomads
Someone must have some good input on this topic

SFandH - 7-5-2023 at 01:11 PM

There's always google:

stillnbaja - 7-5-2023 at 01:42 PM

plenty of recommendations but you have to visit that evil FB.....ensenada expats

[Edited on 7-5-2023 by stillnbaja]

Bwana_John - 7-5-2023 at 05:31 PM

“For the best tuck-and-roll in all of town you must try my cousin Enrique, open 24 hours a day, no cover charge any time…”

fandango - 7-5-2023 at 09:24 PM

Not in ensenada but close. Bache in Cantu. On the road from maneadero to La bufadora. Telephone: 646.150.97.68

bajadock - 7-6-2023 at 06:45 PM

Tapiceria Carranza...recovered two sofas(6 cushions) for me last year...I purchased the vinyl(not leather) at UFO in Nat'l City. Foam was still good so no need to redo that. Good Luck!1s0x80d88d90404b4f37%3A0x...

[Edited on 7-7-2023 by bajadock]

thebajarunner - 7-7-2023 at 03:39 PM

Nomads finally come through, after a typical bumbling start

Thanks for the leads
My son has visited them today and we will report back on success.

Thanks to those who came through with real info

Facebook and Google were not helpful suggestions