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Author: Subject: UPDATE -***FULL CIRCLE - CHIEF RESIDENT OPERATES ON UNCLE ALEX - The Little Girl Who Woluld Become a Brain Surgeon (Chapter 4...

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lol.gif posted on 7-18-2010 at 08:57 PM
UPDATE -***FULL CIRCLE - CHIEF RESIDENT OPERATES ON UNCLE ALEX - The Little Girl Who Woluld Become a Brain Surgeon (Chapter 4)


Some of you may know of Pancho Villa's restaurant by the lighthouse in Mulege. It is a magical place and I wrote a story about one of its special residents.

The story doesn't have any bad guys, murders, or dead marine life but it is good news amongst all the bad news in the world.



It takes grit and determination to move from one of the smallest and prettiest little villages in the Baja, to the big city seeking education in the best of medical schools. I know one special girl who has repeatedly shown the drive, brains and heart to accomplish just that.

Emilia Villavicencio Buckovecs, known as "Emy" to her friends, is eighteen years old and a recent valedictorian graduate of the technical high school (CECYT) in Mulege. Emy has been determined to attend medical school since she was fourteen years old and through hard study, internships at the Red Cross, the local hospital, and intense correspondence courses she now has a chance to attend the Universidad de Guadalajara de La Mar.

Though brains are surely an integral component of a burgeoning neurosurgeon, I feel that her hope, courage and determination speak greater volumes. I have been fortunate to be Emy's neighbor for three years, and I have witnessed many acts of courage from her that prove, beyond a doubt, her maturity and desire to attend medical school. One story, in particular, reflects the strength and wisdom of someone much older. It goes like this:

One of Emila's beautiful older sisters, Fabiola, was blessed with a child. The child, Lino Gabriel, had the misfortune of being thrust into this world three months prematurely and his life depended on the only medical equipment available in the area for his every tiny breath. As is too often the case in Baja, the incubator and neo-natal unit in St. Rosalia were insufficient to sustain baby Lino, and the entire family feared for his life. A chance to save him existed in the more modern hospitals of La Paz, but the Red Cross could not spare the resources to deliver such a small and unhealthy child over such a great distance.

A private ambulance was frantically arranged, however a pediatric nurse could not be found in time to make the long journey from St. Rosalia to La Paz. The nurse would be responsible for the delicate equipment and monitoring the life of the now one month old, but three months premature baby. Emilia courageously volunteered for the journey. Emilia, at seventeen years of age, cared for her nephew from one hospital all the way to the next in the back of the ambulance, alone, save for her tiny patient and nephew. Emy knew what was needed and what to do during the fourteen hour ordeal.

When I commented on how brave she was for doing this she told me, "A doctor is trained to harness emotion and do the best possible job regardless of whom they are treating because you never know who will be on the table in front of you." Her poise floored me. I know she will apply this maturity and composure to all aspects of her studies. If you are at all lucky, you might have her as a doctor in your town, at your bedside, in your ambulance.

All this leads up to a request for funding. Emy applied for the full scholarship, amongst 10,000 other applicants, but she missed being picked for government sponsorship. She was counting on that scholarship, but with only a few days left to secure her position at the university, she was told about the need to pay for her first year. Her family is rich in the things that really matter, but lack the hard currency required to help her chase her dreams. She needs to raise 50,000 pesos (Approx. $4000) by the end of the July for enrollment or else another year will pass before she can try again.

Money can be donated to:

Emilia Guadalupe Villavicencio Buckovecs

At Pancho Villa's restaurant or PayPal at:

If you aren't in Baja and are known to me, I will take your pledge via email and you can pay me back via slower means this winter. I don't know any better way to do this from such a long ways away on such short notice.

Baby Lino is doing very well now and one day he will thank his Tia Emilia, La Doctora, as she will thank each of you for your support.



The following is a Google translation and should convey my words, but maybe not the exact translation - Lo siento para mi pobre espanol.

Escrib� algo que t� puedas disfrutar. Incluso si usted no puede ayudar, es una sensaci�n buena historia entre todas las cosas malas que suceden en M�xico en este momento. Gracias por su lectura - Maxx.


Tiene agallas y determinaci�n para pasar de uno de los pueblos m�s peque�os y poco m�s bonita en la Baja, a la gran ciudad en busca de educaci�n en el mejor de las escuelas de medicina. S� que una chica especial que ha mostrado en repetidas ocasiones la unidad, cerebro y coraz�n para lograr precisamente eso.

Emilia Villavicencio Buckovecs, conocido como "Emy" a sus amigos, tiene dieciocho a�os y un graduado reciente de la mejor alumna de la escuela t�cnica de alto (CECyT) en Muleg�. Emy se ha decidido a estudiar medicina desde que ten�a catorce a�os y por medio de estudiar mucho, internados en la Cruz Roja, el hospital local, y cursos por correspondencia intensa que ahora tiene la oportunidad de asistir a la Universidad de Guadalajara de La Mar.

Aunque los cerebros son sin duda un componente integral de un neurocirujano floreciente, siento que la esperanza, el coraje y la determinaci�n hablan mayores vol�menes. He tenido la suerte de ser vecino de Emy durante tres a�os, y he sido testigo de muchos actos de coraje de ella que demuestran, sin lugar a dudas, su madurez y el deseo de asistir a la escuela de medicina. Una historia, en particular, refleja la fuerza y la sabidur�a de una persona mucho mayor. Dice as�:

Emila hermosa hermana mayor, Fabiola, fue bendecido con un ni�o. El ni�o, Lino Gabriel, tuvo la desgracia de empuje que en este mundo tres meses antes de tiempo y su vida depend�a de los equipos s�lo est� disponible en el �rea m�dica para su peque�o cada respiraci�n. Como ocurre muy a menudo el caso en la Baja, la incubadora y la unidad neo-natal en Santa Rosal�a fueron insuficientes para sostener el beb� Lino, y toda la familia tem�a por su vida. Una oportunidad de salvarlo exist�a en los hospitales m�s modernos de La Paz, pero la Cruz Roja no pod�a disponer de los recursos para entregar un ni�o tan peque�o y poco saludable en una distancia tan grande.

Una ambulancia privada se organiz� fren�ticamente, sin embargo, una enfermera pedi�trica no se pudo encontrar tiempo para hacer el largo viaje desde Santa Rosal�a hasta La Paz. La enfermera se encargar� de los equipos delicados y el control de la vida de la ahora un mes de edad, pero tres meses del beb� prematuro. Emilia valientemente se ofreci� voluntariamente para el viaje. Emilia, a diecisiete a�os de edad, al cuidado de su sobrino de un hospital hasta llegar a la siguiente en la parte trasera de la ambulancia, a solas, a excepci�n de su paciente y sobrino peque�o. Emy sab�a lo que hac�a falta y qu� hacer.

Cuando me coment� lo valiente que fue para hacer esto, me dijo, "Un m�dico est� capacitado para aprovechar las emociones y hacer el mejor trabajo posible, independientemente de los que se est�n tratando, porque nunca se sabe qui�n estar� en la mesa frente a usted. " Su aplomo me derrib�. S� que se aplicar� esta madurez y serenidad a todos los aspectos de sus estudios. Si usted est� en todo de suerte se podr� tenerla como un m�dico en su ciudad, junto a su cama, en su ambulancia.

Todo esto da lugar a la solicitud de financiaci�n necesarias. Emy solicitado la beca completa, entre 10.000 solicitantes distintos, pero echaba de menos a ser elegido para el patrocinio del gobierno. Ella contaba con esa beca, pero s�lo quedan unos d�as para asegurar su posici�n en la universidad, se le dijo sobre la necesidad de pagar por su primer a�o. Su familia es rica en las cosas que realmente importan, pero carecen de las divisas necesarias para ayudar a la perseguir� sus sue�os. Ella necesita recaudar 50 mil pesos (aprox. 4.000 d�lares) a finales del julio para la inscripci�n o bien un a�o m�s pasar� antes de que ella puede volver a intentarlo.

El dinero puede ser donado a:

Emilia Guadalupe Villavicencio Buckovecs Cuenta # 1166708994 de BBVA Bancomer si se encuentra en Baja California.

Si usted no est� en Baja California y se conocen a m�, voy a tomar su compromiso a trav�s de correo electr�nico y usted me puede devolver este invierno. No s� ninguna forma mejor de hacer esto de tal manera lejos en tan corto plazo.

Lino beb� est� haciendo muy bien ahora y un d�a �l gracias a su t�a Emilia, La Doctora, como ella gracias a cada uno de ustedes por su apoyo.

[Edited on 4-10-2013 by akmaxx]PAYPAL HAS CHANGED TO:

Lino Gabriel.jpg - 6kB

[Edited on 1-15-2024 by akmaxx]
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smile.gif posted on 7-18-2010 at 10:35 PM
$300 dollars in an hour....The ball is rolling. Thanks MR, JW, and DB

[Edited on 7-19-2010 by akmaxx]

[Edited on 7-19-2010 by akmaxx]

La Doctora.JPG - 41kB
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 06:37 AM

abmaxx, see u2u

reality\'s never been of much use out here...
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by akmaxx
Some of you may know of Pancho Villa's restaurant by the lighthouse in Mulege. It is a magical place and I wrote a story about one of it's special residents. It doesn't have any bad guys, murders, or dead marine life but it is good news amongst all the bad news in the world. Enjoy

It takes grit and determination to move from one of the smallest and prettiest little villages in the Baja, to the big city seeking education in the best of medical schools. I know one special girl who has repeatedly shown the drive, brains and heart to accomplish just that.

Emilia Villavicencio Buckovecs, known as "Emy" to her friends, is eighteen years old and a recent valedictorian graduate of the technical high school (CECYT) in Mulege. Emy has been determined to attend medical school since she was fourteen years old and through hard study, internships at the Red Cross, the local hospital, and intense correspondence courses she now has a chance to attend the Universidad de Guadalajara de La Mar.

Though brains are surely an integral component of a burgeoning neurosurgeon, I feel that her hope, courage and determination speak greater volumes. I have been fortunate to be Emy's neighbor for three years, and I have witnessed many acts of courage from her that prove, beyond a doubt, her maturity and desire to attend medical school. One story, in particular, reflects the strength and wisdom of someone much older. It goes like this:

Emila's beautiful older sister, Fabiola, was blessed with a child. The child, Lino Gabriel, had the misfortune of being thrust into this world three months prematurely and his life depended on the only medical equipment available in the area for his every tiny breath. As is too often the case in Baja, the incubator and neo-natal unit in St. Rosalia were insufficient to sustain baby Lino, and the entire family feared for his life. A chance to save him existed in the more modern hospitals of La Paz, but the Red Cross could not spare the resources to deliver such a small and unhealthy child over such a great distance.

A private ambulance was frantically arranged, however a pediatric nurse could not be found in time to make the long journey from St. Rosalia to La Paz. The nurse would be responsible for the delicate equipment and monitoring the life of the now one month old, but three months premature baby. Emilia courageously volunteered for the journey. Emilia, at seventeen years of age, cared for her nephew from one hospital all the way to the next in the back of the ambulance, alone, save for her tiny patient and nephew. Emy knew what was needed and what to do during the fourteen hour ordeal.

When I commented on how brave she was for doing this she told me, "A doctor is trained to harness emotion and do the best possible job regardless of whom they are treating because you never know who will be on the table in front of you." Her poise floored me. I know she will apply this maturity and composure to all aspects of her studies. If you are at all lucky, you might have her as a doctor in your town, at your bedside, in your ambulance.

All this leads up to a request for funding. Emy applied for the full scholarship, amongst 10,000 other applicants, but she missed being picked for government sponsorship. She was counting on that scholarship, but with only a few days left to secure her position at the university, she was told about the need to pay for her first year. Her family is rich in the things that really matter, but lack the hard currency required to help her chase her dreams. She needs to raise 50,000 pesos (Approx. $4000) by the end of the July for enrollment or else another year will pass before she can try again.

Money can be donated to:

Emilia Guadalupe Villavicencio Buckovecs

BBVA Bancomer, SA

Calle Zaragoza sn Col Centro

Mulege, BCS Mexico CP

Interbank Key: 012040001722418464

Swif/Routing # BCMRMXMM

ABBA: FW/021000021

Account Number #1166708994 if you are in Baja.

If you aren't in Baja and are known to me, I will take your pledge via email and you can pay me back via slower means this winter. I don't know any better way to do this from such a long ways away on such short notice.

Baby Lino is doing very well now and one day he will thank his Tia Emilia, La Doctora, as she will thank each of you for your support.



when soliciting money, prefer that you reveal your full name and location
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 08:44 AM
Total is $400 this morning....Thanks RT

My details aren't important here, MT. If you are missing the point perhaps you should watch "Miracle on 34th Street" a couple of times.

You can deliver donations directly to the Pancho Villas Rest. if you would like. Several donations have already been made and she will get into medical school with all your help.

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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 01:20 PM
A letter from La Doctora (And thanks MA and JK for your donations - $1,900 and counting)


My name is Emilia, I have graduated from high school this year.
Now is time to go to college. It has always been my dream to become a Doctor,
ever since I started volunteering at the Red Cross I knew that I was born to be working
in the medical field.

I love learning and I love helping. Now I want to learn and in order to do that I need your help.
I was born and raised in a very small town in the Baja, and my parents taught me that you can always reach your dreams no matter what, so have worked very hard in order to go to medical school in Guadalajara by accomplishing every goal I had at school.

The only thing that seems to stop me is money, so that's why I'm asking and thanking for your contribution on this point, anything will help.

Maxx is helping me on this, and although you may not know me, you know him, he can tell you about me since he has been my neighbor for 3 years.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and thank you very much for your donation, I will keep you informed about the school if you want and I can answer any questions, only send me an email to: , and I will get back to you as soon as I can thank you again for you contribution.

Emilia V. Buckovecs
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 05:43 PM

Thanks AS....We are at 2050 now and counting.:spingrin:
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 05:58 PM

Hi Can you set up a paypal account, If so i will donate
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 07:01 PM
I second the paypal request!

I don't have much to spare but I have a small balance in my paypal account I can donate!
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[*] posted on 7-19-2010 at 07:21 PM
PAYPAL - Good idea, this is evolving nicely. She will get to University

You can Paypal:

Please include your name and email because Emy wants to thank everybody who contributes personally.

Good vibes and donations keep coming.


[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 06:05 AM

interesting last name.
is she related to Alex Buckovecs?
perhaps a niece?

formerly Ordained in Rev. Ewing\'s Church by Mail - busted on tax fraud.......
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 07:36 AM

you don't. we don't
you need to check it out. because i am familiar with the name i surmize it is valid.
do you expect this site to police due diligence for you??:lol::lol::lol:

formerly Ordained in Rev. Ewing\'s Church by Mail - busted on tax fraud.......
Now joined L. Ron Hoover\'s church of Appliantology
\"Remember there is a big difference between kneeling down and bending over....\"
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 07:40 AM
Thanks CL - we are at 2075 this morn.

She is Alex's niece and this is not a scam. Do I come off as Nigerian?:tumble:

Paypal works as evidenced by CL's contribution. Many thanks.

She will get to Med school, skeptics or not.
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 07:49 AM

P.S. I understand the skepticism, as I am a skeptic usually myself, but I appreciate you deleting your messages when you are convinced of the validity as well. Now throw a couple of bucks in paypal to counter your uncharitable thoughts (Thanks for the line RT) :biggrin:

We will meet the deadline. More of her friends are finding out about this everyday.
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 08:03 AM

thanks for setting up her paypal account...if even a quarter of the nomads gave $20, she'd reach her goal...I have faith she will with everyone's help. Thank you so much for bringing her plight to our attention.

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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 08:44 AM

50.00 donated. I wish her well.
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 08:47 AM

I will forward all the contributions to Emy's bank account at one time. Emy was smart to point out to me that each wire transfer costs $450 pesos no matter the size, so consolidating them was a pretty good idea on her part.

She has agreed that when she hits her goal the fund-raising stops and any extra goes back to the contributors so they can help another cause.

She is a smart girl..I and lots of others are proud to know her.

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by akmaxx]
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 08:50 AM

Thanks AL for your support. She will email you a personal thanks when the goal is met.
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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 09:51 AM
Gracias Muchisimas SB AND JA.............Going to visit you this winter.

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[*] posted on 7-20-2010 at 10:37 AM

Emmy is the real deal, very intelligent and speaks almost flawless english.
She even tried to tutor spanish to some of us ol gringos so you know she loves a challenge.:lol:

If you (Akmaxx) see her tell her that she should followup with Mike Fleming who heads up the Mulege Scholarship fund. He tells me they were expecting an email application from her.

The Rotary club will work with Mike Fleming's group to help with ongoing support if she needs it.
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