
Mexican President Declines to Declare Biden the Victor

TMW - 11-11-2020 at 07:16 PM

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador remains one of the few international leaders not to recognize Joe Biden's election win, saying it hasn't been "legally" established.

[Edited on 11-12-2020 by TMW]

TMW - 11-11-2020 at 07:25 PM

Technically I think he is right. It's not official until the electoral college votes which is Dec. 14th.

pacificobob - 11-13-2020 at 04:23 PM

i was unaware it was up to him.

gnukid - 11-13-2020 at 05:27 PM

The election is decided after review of votes by States until Dec 8th, a vote by electoral college to elect the president is Dec 14th to be approved.

CNN, MSNBC FaceBook Twitter have nothing to do with an election etc

caj13 - 11-13-2020 at 05:37 PM

David, you forgot Arizona as well. And Georgia today as well. And BTW yes the president is declared by a vote of the electorial college, and who decides those votes? that would be the states election boards, counting the votes of the people of that state.

as a practical matter - this is an Uber Mega landslide victory i base that on your orange overlords own definition: when he won the EC with 306 EC voTes, and LOST the popular vote by 3 million - he declared it a landslide win!

Guess what, Biden gets 306, plus beats him in the popular vote by 5 million. that my election historical friends is a true landslide. The biggest victory in a presidential election since Rosevelt.

I know many of you here are holding out for the faithless voter coup! because its really not about fair elections to many of you - right?

David K - 11-13-2020 at 05:45 PM

So, that is why the Democrats lost seats in congress and haven't gained the majority in the Senate (yet, lol).

Mr. Bills - 11-13-2020 at 06:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  

Guess what, Biden gets 306, plus beats him in the popular vote by 5 million. that my election historical friends is a true landslide. The biggest victory in a presidential election since Rosevelt.

No matter who is declared the winner it is hardly a landslide.

Claiming that Biden won by the largest margin since Roosevelt ignores the fact that the number of people voting has more than tripled since Roosevelt, which renders the margin of victory in this election quite small in comparison, both in numbers and by percentage.

That Joe Biden "won by a landslide" or earned a "mandate" are bullchit claims by those of the left persuasion that cannot withstand any rational scrutiny.

Here's the facts; draw your own conclusions:

Total Vote in 1944 - 47,631,000
Roosevelt 25,613,000 (53.4%)
Dewey 22,018,000 (45.9%)
Margin 3,595,000 (7.8%)

Total Vote in 2020 (as of 11/13/20) - 150,608,000
Biden 77,967,000 (50.9%)
Trump 72,641,000 (47.4%)
Margin 5,326,000 (3.5%)

Past elections:

[Edited on 11-14-2020 by Mr. Bills]

pacificobob - 11-14-2020 at 07:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
David, you forgot Arizona as well. And Georgia today as well. And BTW yes the president is declared by a vote of the electorial college, and who decides those votes? that would be the states election boards, counting the votes of the people of that state.

as a practical matter - this is an Uber Mega landslide victory i base that on your orange overlords own definition: when he won the EC with 306 EC voTes, and LOST the popular vote by 3 million - he declared it a landslide win!

Guess what, Biden gets 306, plus beats him in the popular vote by 5 million. that my election historical friends is a true landslide. The biggest victory in a presidential election since Rosevelt.

I know many of you here are holding out for the faithless voter coup! because its really not about fair elections to many of you - right?

well said caj. allow me to paraphrase the right after the 2016 loss by secretary Clinton. " get over it snowflakes, you lost!"

motoged - 11-14-2020 at 11:28 AM

"You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows....."

Thanks, Bob :light:

LancairDriver - 11-14-2020 at 12:04 PM

I’d hate to run any organization, public or private, that has half the participants opposed to the agenda. Sure formula for major discontent as has been demonstrated for the past four years and will continue for at least the next four, and probably beyond that.

Skipjack Joe - 11-14-2020 at 12:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador remains one of the few international leaders not to recognize Joe Biden's election win, saying it hasn't been "legally" established.

Which as far as I can determine, is true. Why are you (apparently) painting this as a problem?

If anything, aren't the rest of the international leaders jumping the gun?

I think you're suggesting that they're doing this because that's the outcome they prefer. But the odds of overturning the results are so slim that they feel confident they're congratulating the right man. The Right likes to compare this to the 2000 vote. That margin was 500 votes. There isn't a state where Biden is leading by less than 10,000 votes.

Personally, I think that a similar approach should be used as state runoffs. If the margin is a certain number (%) then no recounting. Take the bitter pill and live with it.

Lee - 11-14-2020 at 09:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  

I think AMLO is resisting the temptation to let his ego and nationalistic pride, follow a path that could cause negative backlash for his constituents, and I'm surprised that your neighbors don't see that.

Sounds like smart neighbors.

AMLO doesn't care about his constituents. He offers the cartels an olive branch and peace rather than hunting them down. He's president in name only. Spineless coward politician.

LancairDriver - 11-15-2020 at 03:54 PM

soulpatch, I wouldn’t downplay your own education or judgement when comparing with others. As is abundantly clear if you look around you, there is no shortage of “educated fools” and others educated far beyond their intelligence that are riding on their worthless credentials. Particularly common in the political world.

Ateo - 11-16-2020 at 09:58 AM

My brother from another madre -- soulpatch!!!!